Friday, April 4, 2008

Pics from April 4th Day Trip to Taos

Here are some pictures from our day trip to Taos. Notice the way they make fences out here. There is a picture on a rock called Camel Rock. I think you will be able to identify it. Also, they do a lot of art on their bridges and retaining walls along the highways. The first picture of the outside of the building is a picture of Castro's, the Mexican restaurant we liked so much. I think you can see why only locals really know about this place. It is hard to find and there are not any big signs advertising it.

1 comment:

minikmom said...

Just wanted you to know we're reading your posts and living vicarously thru you. Though I know come Monday, you'll be envious and wish you were me. I'm getting a colonoscopy - who's having fun now - huh ?